Working together to achieve trachoma elimination, Kapiri Mposhi District, June 2022

In the picture is the Trachoma Survey Grader (Josias Ndlovu) giving a sweet to Alick Tembo after screening him for trachoma as part of the survey exercise. Observing in the background while the Recorder (Racheal Moono) enters her data is Alicks father who is also the headman of Kamanuna Village in Kapiri Mponshi District, the village guide (Mr Oliver Mutinta) and a team from the Ministry of Health (Dr. Tendai Munthali and Lubasi Sundano). # Leaving no one behind

Josias Ndhlovu is a Trachoma Survey Grader from Zambia’s Katete District of Eastern Province. He has been involved in the Trachoma Surveys since 2019. Josias explains that his involvement in the Trachoma Survey as a Grader has helped him understand the scope of the trachoma problem in the many Zambian communities he has visited.

“This involvement allowed me to providing the basic data required by the country to quantify the disease burden of trachoma in order to facilitate the planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of trachoma control programs in the communities.” said Josias.

Josias felt that trachoma interventions in communities has benefited people by lowering disease burden and this is evident during surveys. He applauds Lion Aid Zambia’s role in working closely with the Government in delivering trachoma interventions including surveys.

He advocates for increased community awareness on the importance of personal hygiene, good sanitation, and environmental improvement.

“There is also a need for TT surgery for patients with TT. TT survey is required because TT is a complication of trachoma in the late stage. Surgery is possible.” According to Josias.

He also advocates for ongoing information education and community communication to ensure that everyone is informed about trachoma.

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