Success Stories


Educating the future, preserving life

What began as a community effort to provide education for …

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Restoring Sight in Central Province

Rhoda Moonga a peasant farmer and Joseph Kabwe a mechanic …

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The challenges we face- survey team gets stuck in the Zambezi plains, Nalolo District, June 2022

On the way back from data collection, in Nalolo District’s Suu Rural Health Post,

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Trachoma field activity pictures July 2022(4)

Working together to achieve trachoma elimination, Kapiri Mposhi District, June 2022

In the picture is the Trachoma Survey Grader (Josias Ndlovu) …

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Trachoma field activity pictures July 2022(3)

We are not done yet -meet Mr Fanwell Muyunda, Senanga District, June 2022

In the middle of the Mata plains the survey team-visited …

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Trachoma field activity pictures July 2022(1)

Overcoming all barriers to reach the marginalised communities, Ngabwe District, June 2022

According to recent statistics, the prevalence of blindness in Zambia …

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Making a difference through surveys, Esther Chishimba’s Story, October 2021

Meet Esther Chishimba, a trained and certified Grader. Since 2018, …

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Trachoma field

Set and ready to go Trachoma Mass Drug Administration, Sikongo District, June 2022

Through traditional songs and dance, with some role plays, the …

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Trachoma field activity pictures July 2022

Docking with satisfaction and pride, Kalabo District, June 2022

The time is 17:13 on Friday, 10th June 2022, which …

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Documentary on progress made in Kayumweyumwe, Mumbwa District

Through traditional songs and dance, with some role plays, the …

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Kapiri Launches their Trachoma Mass Drug Administration, October 2021.

Trachoma is the leading infectious cause of blindness in the …

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Joyce Ng'ambi's Story 0-40 screenshot

Joyce Ng’ambis Story, Mansa District

In Zambia. blindness is estimated to be 2%, resulting in …

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Kayumweyumwe story, Mumbwa District

Lack of access to water, education and health services negatively …

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LIAZ upgrades Kayumweyumwe Health Centre in Mumbwa

Lions Aid Zambia (LIAZ) with support from Lions Aid Norway, …

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Chamulimba community gets new health Centre

The Chamulimba Health Centre that was constructed by Lions Aid …

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Forging Partnerships On Trachoma Elimination In Zambia

Lions Aid Zambia (LIAZ) is currently forging partnership with Ministry …

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Lions Aid Zambia (LIAZ) Handover construction site to Contractor at Kayumweyumwe Health Centre.

Representatives from LIAZ, Mumbwa District Health Office, Construction World and …

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Chamulimba Health Centre opens to the public

The Chamulimba Health Centre that was recently constructed by Lions …

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Kapiri MDA Launch, October 2021

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