LIAZ upgrades Kayumweyumwe Health Centre in Mumbwa

Lions Aid Zambia (LIAZ) with support from Lions Aid Norway, Lions District 104 E and Lions Clubs International Foundation has embarked on a project to supplement government efforts to enhance health services delivery in Kayumweyumwe area of Mumbwa district. This is being done through an upgrade of the Kayumweyumwe Health Post by adding a staff house, Mothers’ shelter, Ventilated Improved Pit latrines and installation of a water tank and solar power.

Kayumweyumwe community in Nambala Ward of Mumbwa district which has a population of 2,500 was among communities that had no health posts for a long time until Lions Aid Zambia (LIAZ) put up a health post which was handed over to the Ministry of Health in October 2020. The health facility consists of a staff house, an incinerator, the health post, Ventilated Improved Pit Latrines and a water borehole.

Over a year down the line, there has been improved health accessibility, a situation that has increased demand for health services by the people of Nambala Ward. The increased demand for health services has called for an upgrade to the Kayumweyumwe health post, a move that will enhance the health services to meet the needs of the community. It is against this background that LIAZ is undertaking the second phase of the project.

Speaking during the handover of the project site for the second phase, Senior Headman Shikabwali the additional facilities will improve the quality of the health services and encourage more women to deliver their babies at the health facility.

A mothers’ shelter is critical to provide shelter for patients who travel long distances to seek maternal and other health services.  This facility comes in handy, especially for pregnant women who are expected to be near a health facility as they approach the Expected Date of Delivery (EDD). Staff accommodation will help beef up staff at the facility.

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