

Our overall humanitarian goal is to alleviate suffering, save lives and make the world a better place for everyone to live by supporting interventions that promote access to basic needs which include health, nutrition, education, housing, among others. Through these interventions, we deliver services addressing unmet human needs targeting vulnerable populations and communities in the Country.

Our humanitarian interventions are driven by a need. Once resources are secured, we work closely with the Government and local structures to identify communities that are most in need. With support from various donors such as Lions MD104 Norway, Vare Jul, Lions Clubs International Foundation, we have supported several communities through construction of health facilities, schools with accompanying amenities, staff houses, sinking of boreholes, secured desk for schools to mention a few.


In line with our overall objective to promote access to equitable education for children and youth to enable them to have an opportunity to achieve their dreams, we have been supporting the following activities.

Construction of school infrastructure that encompasses classroom blocks, staff houses and amenities in target communities.
Provide furniture and learning materials to targeted schools.
Provide adequate water, sanitation and hygiene amenities that promote a good learning environment in the targeted schools.

Women and Youth Empowerment

We go a step further to provide additional support to the most vulnerable groups in the communities we serve. These include, women, youth and the persons living with disabilities. Through these projects we promote the empowerment of women, youth, and persons with disabilities for them to lead more independent and fulfilling lives. We support the economic independence of the youth, women, and persons with disabilities through the establishment of income generating activities. In the past, under this project we identified communities where we established vegetable farms, piggery and set up of a harmer mill. We also support persons with disabilities with assistive technology to enable them to actively participate in society.

Disaster Relief

We respond to disasters when it occurs. We support the restoration of housing, schools, and hospitals for affected communities. We also support the provision of basic needs which include tarpaulins, food, medical commodities, safe water, sanitation, and hygiene items for affected communities.

Community Health

Through community health projects, we seek to provide access to equitable health services in vulnerable communities. This is achieved through the construction of health centres and equipping them with all the necessary amenities required. These amenities include staff houses, VIP toilets, boreholes, incinerators, and electrification using solar energy. By constructing these Health Posts, we are assured that the communities will have continued access to health services.