

Kayumweyumwe School located in Kayumweyumwe village, is found in Nambala Ward of Mumbwa District in the Western part of Central Province, Zambia. It is located about 40 Kilometres from Mumbwa a town 200Km west of Zambias’ capital Lusaka.

The village made up of 80 households (640 people) decided through a self-help programme to build a school through use of locally available materials and also to solicit for financial support from would be donors. The need arose due to the challenges the children faced in accessing the nearest school, located 20 kilometres away. 

The school initially was housed at a nearby church building which over time could not accommodate the ever-growing enrolment, which stood at 225 pupils in November 2016.  This necessitated the need to identify a piece of land where the new school would be built.

Through the self-help programme the community managed to build a classroom and teacher house made of pole and mud. Further a classroom was built using burnt bricks which had not been completed due to financial constraints

Following a request from Lions District 104J (Norway) to identify a needy school, LAN Zambia approached the Ministry of Education (MOE) Mumbwa District. The MOE gladly identified a number of schools for possible consideration by LAN. Following a needs assessment conducted by LAN, Kayumweyumwe School was chosen as the would-be beneficiary of the support. The school lacked the following

  1. Teacher Accommodation:
  2. Conducive Classrooms
  3. Teaching and Learning Materials
  4. Access to Clean Water