Docking with satisfaction and pride, Kalabo District, June 2022

The time is 17:13 on Friday, 10th June 2022, which marks Day-5 of the ongoing Trachoma Mass Drug Administration (MDA) in Western Province; the visibly tired but happy Muyunda Siyoti and Ms. Simwayi Simangolwa just docked on the banks of the Luanginga River in Kalabo District. They were returning from Kaprivi Village (Sunga Area) which is under Silanda Neighbourhood Health Committee.

Muyunda and Simwayi were among the over 385 Community-based Drug Distributors (CDDs) for the Trachoma MDA under Kalabo District, determined to eliminate Trachoma by reaching every person, every home, everywhere through the Trachoma MDA. There journey involved Kilometres of canoe paddling and walking through the deep sand of the plains of Western Province. Asked how their experience has been so far as CDDs, Muyunda said, “It is a very satisfying experience.

We were determined, and we are very pleased that we were able to visit every home and distribute drugs to everyone in our community. We had enough drugs, forms, and other supplies to complete our tasks. The training also prepared us very well”.

This year, the MDA program in Kalabo district targeted 102,715 people. The MDA teams in the area are going from house to house, targeting even the most vulnerable people to ensure that no one is forgotten.

Prior to the program, there was increased trachoma ignorance and knowledge gap. The program is now being carried out by raising awareness about what has been done in the area about trachoma. The community leaders including area chief are also involved to ensure that correct information is passed on and that the community accepts to participate in the program.

“The Ministry of Health(MOH), with support from LIAZ, is on board to ensure that every person is reached out to; they have provided us with the drugs, equipment needed for sensitization such as posters, dossing sticks, and so on, as well as technical support to ensure that we will implement door-to-door drug administration,” the program team explains.

Through MDA, the program has achieved positive results in reaching out to every person in the district to help eliminate trachoma. 104,273 people were reached.

“Our expected results are to contribute to the elimination of trachoma by reaching every person, every home, and every location within Kalabo through the district’s ongoing trachoma mass drug administration program,” the team adds.

The program will be improved further through increased district-wide campaigns.

“We also appreciate and are grateful for the MOH/LIAZ’s partnership in the program to eliminate trachoma in the district,” the Kalabo Trachoma MDA team says.

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