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Kapiri Launches their Trachoma Mass Drug Administration, October 2021.

Trachoma is the leading infectious cause of blindness in the world. Trachoma is thought to be endemic in nearly all of Zambia’s ten provinces, with Western Province having the highest levels of endemicity, followed by Southern Province. Trachoma is also endemic in the provinces of Luapula, Central, Eastern, Muchinga, North-western, Lusaka, Northern, and Copperbelt. Water […]

Kapiri Launches their Trachoma Mass Drug Administration, October 2021. Read More »

Kayumweyumwe story, Mumbwa District

Lack of access to water, education and health services negatively affects the wellbeing of individuals.  Water, education and health services are vital for the social and economic progression of any community. However, some communities in Zambia are struggling to socially and economically progress due to lack of access to these basic human rights.  Kayumweyumwe in

Kayumweyumwe story, Mumbwa District Read More »