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Educating the future, preserving life

What began as a community effort to provide education for children in Kayumweyumwe community flourished into a fully-fledged Community School and Rural Health Centre. While Kayumweyumwe Community School was established in 2015, the Health Centre was established in 2019. The construction and operationalization of the Kayumweyumwe Community School and Health Centre followed the request by […]

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Working together to achieve trachoma elimination, Kapiri Mposhi District, June 2022

In the picture is the Trachoma Survey Grader (Josias Ndlovu) giving a sweet to Alick Tembo after screening him for trachoma as part of the survey exercise. Observing in the background while the Recorder (Racheal Moono) enters her data is Alicks father who is also the headman of Kamanuna Village in Kapiri Mponshi District, the

Working together to achieve trachoma elimination, Kapiri Mposhi District, June 2022 Read More »

We are not done yet -meet Mr Fanwell Muyunda, Senanga District, June 2022

In the middle of the Mata plains the survey team-visited Mr Fanwell Muyunda’s house a peasant farmer. He has been suffering from Trachiasis for six years now. He is 86 years of age. In 2017, Mr Muyunda was listed for trachoma surgery but did not show up on the day of the operation. The survey

We are not done yet -meet Mr Fanwell Muyunda, Senanga District, June 2022 Read More »

Overcoming all barriers to reach the marginalised communities, Ngabwe District, June 2022

According to recent statistics, the prevalence of blindness in Zambia ranges from 2.2% to 4.4% which implies that there are 339,081 to 678,162 people who are either visually impaired or blind within a population of 16 954 051. The leading causes of blindness are cataract (53.2%), glaucoma (19.0%), trachoma (5.7%), refractive errors (15.3%), corneal opacity (3.6%),

Overcoming all barriers to reach the marginalised communities, Ngabwe District, June 2022 Read More »

Making a difference through surveys, Esther Chishimba’s Story, October 2021

Meet Esther Chishimba, a trained and certified Grader. Since 2018, Esther has participated in Trachoma Elimination Surveys. Esther works as an ophthalmic nurse on Chilubi Island. She is also an instructor at Chilubi College of Nursing. She enjoys volunteering in the community by providing eye care services to people in the surrounding area. She says

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Set and ready to go Trachoma Mass Drug Administration, Sikongo District, June 2022

Through traditional songs and dance, with some role plays, the residents of Liumena come together to raise awareness on blinding Trachoma, and to receive doses of the preventive/treatment drugs. This is on the occasion to mark the official launch of the 2022 Trachoma Mass Administration (MDA) for Sikongo District held at Liumena Rural Health Centre,

Set and ready to go Trachoma Mass Drug Administration, Sikongo District, June 2022 Read More »

Docking with satisfaction and pride, Kalabo District, June 2022

The time is 17:13 on Friday, 10th June 2022, which marks Day-5 of the ongoing Trachoma Mass Drug Administration (MDA) in Western Province; the visibly tired but happy Muyunda Siyoti and Ms. Simwayi Simangolwa just docked on the banks of the Luanginga River in Kalabo District. They were returning from Kaprivi Village (Sunga Area) which

Docking with satisfaction and pride, Kalabo District, June 2022 Read More »

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Documentary on progress made in Kayumweyumwe, Mumbwa District

Through traditional songs and dance, with some role plays, the residents of Liumena come together to raise awareness on blinding Trachoma, and to receive doses of the preventive/treatment drugs. This is on the occasion to mark the official launch of the 2022 Trachoma Mass Administration (MDA) for Sikongo District held at Liumena Rural Health Centre,

Documentary on progress made in Kayumweyumwe, Mumbwa District Read More »