Annual Report

Dr Hastings Eli Chiti

Board Chairperson

2022 Annual Report

I wish to welcome you all to our 2022 annual report that highlights in summary some of the key achievements in the year. This year, was as successful as was the last, serving over 1.04 million people living up to our vision “Improved quality of life for communities we serve”. We continued to implement interventions to eliminate Trachoma, supporting the Ministry of Health (MOH) deliver 1.02 million treatments against active Trachoma, enhanced the delivery of comprehensive eye health services in 10 Districts of Luapula Province resulting in 15,772 screened and/or treated during which we restored sight to 597 people.
We constructed two health facilities in Mumbwa and Rufunsa districts, that we handed over to the MOH and these will benefit over 5,000 people. We recorded an increase in grant incomes of 84% from ZMW10,085,780 previous year to ZMW18,554,733, this financial year. We closed with an excess over expenditure of ZMW759,064 compared to ZMW 549,408 the year before. This excess will be invested in institutional capacity to ensure we continue to deliver quality in our programming and grow our portfolio, all within our strategic objectives.
The achievement scored in the year could not have been possible without the support from the Lions fraternity in Zambia and world over, other strategic and funding partners, the Board, committee members and indeed management.
I wish you a happy reading and I look forward to your feedback.