
We are dedicated to serving the community by providing a service where it is most needed through health and humanitarian services. We work in partnership with the government in the provision of  services by assisting in securing adequate infrastructure, training scholarships and by sensitizing the public in general on health and humanitarian services. Through this approach, we are able to provide communities with equitable access to quality, affordable health and humanitarian services.

What we do


Trachoma results from bacterial infection of the conjunctiva by Chlamydia Trachomatis.


Cataract is the opacification (clouding) of the lens of the eye, which prevents clear vision and usually progresses to blindness if left untreated.


Lions Aid Zambia aims to support interventions that enable youths to have equitable education to achieve their dreams and eventually



Educating the future, preserving life

What began as a community effort to provide education for …

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Restoring Sight in Central Province

Rhoda Moonga a peasant farmer and Joseph Kabwe a mechanic …

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The challenges we face- survey team gets stuck in the Zambezi plains, Nalolo District, June 2022

On the way back from data collection, in Nalolo District’s Suu Rural Health Post,

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Trachoma field activity pictures July 2022(4)

Working together to achieve trachoma elimination, Kapiri Mposhi District, June 2022

In the picture is the Trachoma Survey Grader (Josias Ndlovu) …

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Trachoma field activity pictures July 2022(3)

We are not done yet -meet Mr Fanwell Muyunda, Senanga District, June 2022

In the middle of the Mata plains the survey team-visited …

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Trachoma field activity pictures July 2022(1)

Overcoming all barriers to reach the marginalised communities, Ngabwe District, June 2022

According to recent statistics, the prevalence of blindness in Zambia …

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Making a difference through surveys, Esther Chishimba’s Story, October 2021

Meet Esther Chishimba, a trained and certified Grader. Since 2018, …

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Trachoma field

Set and ready to go Trachoma Mass Drug Administration, Sikongo District, June 2022

Through traditional songs and dance, with some role plays, the …

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Trachoma field activity pictures July 2022

Docking with satisfaction and pride, Kalabo District, June 2022

The time is 17:13 on Friday, 10th June 2022, which …

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Documentary on progress made in Kayumweyumwe, Mumbwa District

Through traditional songs and dance, with some role plays, the …

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Kapiri Launches their Trachoma Mass Drug Administration, October 2021.

Trachoma is the leading infectious cause of blindness in the …

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Joyce Ng'ambi's Story 0-40 screenshot

Joyce Ng’ambis Story, Mansa District

In Zambia. blindness is estimated to be 2%, resulting in …

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Kayumweyumwe story, Mumbwa District

Lack of access to water, education and health services negatively …

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LIAZ upgrades Kayumweyumwe Health Centre in Mumbwa

Lions Aid Zambia (LIAZ) with support from Lions Aid Norway, …

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Chamulimba community gets new health Centre

The Chamulimba Health Centre that was constructed by Lions Aid …

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Forging Partnerships On Trachoma Elimination In Zambia

Lions Aid Zambia (LIAZ) is currently forging partnership with Ministry …

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Lions Aid Zambia (LIAZ) Handover construction site to Contractor at Kayumweyumwe Health Centre.

Representatives from LIAZ, Mumbwa District Health Office, Construction World and …

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Chamulimba Health Centre opens to the public

The Chamulimba Health Centre that was recently constructed by Lions …

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Kapiri MDA Launch, October 2021

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Antibiotic Treatments Delivered
Cataract Surgeries Done
Number of People Trained

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